Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Floyd Mayweather Jr: Still the Best Even After Jail Time?

"Still the Best Even After Jail Time?"

The undisputed and undefeated pound for pound fighter "Money Mayweather" sits down with ESPN's Stephen A. Smith to discuss Floyd's life in the last past yr.Without hesitation, Stephen A. dives right into it asking Mayweather Jr. about his prior eighty-seven day incarceration in a county jail. Floyd almost immediately fires back with a semi-emotional response saying "I wasn't there for my youngest daughter's birthday". Smith also asks how Mayweather Jr. kept his sanity being imprisoned twenty-three out of twenty-four hours of the day--which Floyd has an extremely peculiar answer. And finally the question everybody wants to know the answer to, "What happen with the Floyd/PacquiĆ”o fight?". Mayweather Jr. says he personally offered Manny forty million for a fight but he said Manny insisted on a 50/50 split of the fights earnings to which Floyd ultimately disagreed with. I think the only thing people want to hear from Mayweather Jr. these days is where and when that fight will happen. Yet still, Floyd reminds Stephen A. and all his fans that he is the best ever. Meanwhile, you can catch Floyd Mayweather Jr. fighting on May 4th vs Robert Guerrero and putting his spotless 43-0 record on the line. Who are you rooting for?