Saturday, April 20, 2013

Poetry Contest Submission: "Black" - a poem written by Keisha A.


We are born into a world that automatically hate us.
We are black people.
Ancestors of Africans and grandchildren of rapists.
You see... they freed us physically, 
but left our minds in cages.
Racism no longer lives under white sheets,
 but instead in the hearts of black faces.
Divisions of hue separate us.
Beauty measured not by brains, not by heart, but by tones and textures.
Dark skinned little girls praying for lighter complexions.
Didn’t know then, but now I know better.
How can I expect God to deliver to me sins of the devil?
Brainwashed into thinking that I was wasn’t good enough,
 but that was before I discovered what beauty really was.
B. Beyond because you are beautiful beyond a complexion.
E. Every. Every time you look in the mirror love your reflection.
A. Amazing in every sense of the word.
U. Unified from the most precious things on earth.
T. Trust. Always trust and know your worth.
Y. You for you are black and beau-ti-ful.
And wherever you go I want you to know……
BLACK girls who are brown and who are light are still black and equal as one, but brown girls are
special because they get more kisses from the sun ;).

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