Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"Breaking into the Music Industry" -A Teleconference Educating Young Independent Music Artist

Pave Settings Entertainment is excited to announce Breaking into the Music Industry, a three part teleconference featuring five time Grammy Award Winner and GOOD Music Malik Yusef and a few peers. This interactive teleconference will offer music industry professionals an opportunity to receive answers needed to set obtainable goals and achieve their desired level of success.  Together, they will be producing a comprehensive music education forum for new and independent artists. Malik, as well as some of his invited peers, will be providing some clear and simple solutions for monetizing your musical talents. The forum kicks-off with a 3-part teleconference on May 15th. In June, there will be an eleven city tour for one-on-one or group sessions with Mr. Yusef. The final part of the forum, Malik will be in the Chicago land area for a 3-day conference in September 13th- 15th. The forum will feature some of the music industry's most notable artists and executives. The thought behind this collaboration is "who better to provide tools on how to be successful than those who are currently succeeding."

With so many music conferences happening all over the country and abroad, Malik and Pave Settings developed a curriculum in plain talk and give clear direction on the steps necessary to create goals and sustain success. Each component of this comprehensive forum, will build on the next allowing participants to establish a strong foundation of knowledge about the music industry. The forum will also focus on teaching participants on how to embrace their originality  take charge of their careers and own their success in this industry. Both Malik and the team at Pave believe in the old adage, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime".

Day 1- May 15th - Started From the Bottom Now We're Here!
This session will cover the foundational tools necessary to attain any amount of success in the music industry. Malik will answer questions about everything from music creations to staying relevant.

Day 2- May 22nd - Radioactive 
The second day will cover the ins and outs of establishing national record distribution and radio play.

Day 3- May 29th - Can't Hold Us
This series will be wrapped up by discussing how to "Start Your Own Label"
This teleconference is not promised to land you in a record deal but it is promised that after participating you will be armed with the knowledge to create the career you desire within this industry.
*Also, as an added bonus Malik has agreed to offer one on one group sessions in 10 cities in the month of June. These one-on-ones will consist of Malik critiquing music and offering advice on how to improve your music.


Al la Carte:
Teleconference $20/per person
1 on 1 (1 hour) with Malik Yusef $500/per person
3 Teleconferences + Group max 10ppl (1 hour sessions in 10 cities) $200/per person

**Pave Settings Entertainment is hosting a weekend Music Conference, September 2013 in Chicago, IL. If you purchase a one on one session or Teleconference/ Group Session Package, you will receive a complimentary admission into the Music Conference.

**Note- Please register using the phone number and email you will use throughout the teleconference series. You will receive the phone number and pin code to access the conference within 24 hours of receiving your payment. 

Registration Info can be found at http://breakingintothemusicindustry.eventbrite.com

How to submit questions?
Please use Facebook or Twitter (Hashtag #BITMI) page to submit the questions you would like to have answered during the conference. 

Twitter @PaveSettingsEnt
FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pave-Settings-Entertainment/121442781377310

An MC Summit, Inc production